
FileShelf is a simple web-based file manager:



  • fast directory browsing using lightweight pages;
  • core functionality works without JavaScript, progressive enhancement; noscript/w3m/elinks compatible;
  • file uploading/downloading;
  • creating new files/directories, rename/delete, copy/cut/paste files;

File content plugins out of the box:

  • viewing pdf files using your browser;
  • editing text files using CodeMirror (with vim mode);
  • reading epub files using epub.js;
  • playing html5-compatible audio files from a directory;
  • playing html5-compatible video files (mp4/ogv; not avi, unfortunately);

FileShelf is extensible: write any file plugin you like!

Optional features:

  • offloading large static files to Nginx;
  • multiuser setup;
  • basic HTTP authentication;

Install and run

You must have python > 3.3 installed; virtualenv is recommended, but you can install the packages from requirements.txt manually system-wide.

Clone/download the Github repository.

To serve a directory (./storage by default) in a single-user mode, run:

$ /path/to/fileshelf/ $DIRECTORY

Now check http://localhost:8021.


If you want to use a Docker container, there is the official FileShelf image at Dockerhub:

$ docker pull dmytrish/fileshelf

Alternatively, you can build it yourself:

$ cd /path/to/fileshelf
$ docker build -t fileshelf:master .

To deploy the image, use the supplied docker-compose.yml):

$ docker-compose up

and check http://localhost:8021


FileShelf can take a configuration file as a parameter:

$ ./ -c conf.json

Some values in the configuration file may be overriden from command line:

$ ./ --port=8021 --debug

Configuration options are listed here: fileshelf/

An example of a simple configuration file:

    "host": "",
    "port": 8021,
    "debug": true,
    "storage_dir": "~/fileshelf"